Friday, May 16, 2008

New art!

Most of the art I have been making lately are temporary structures. Things I build and take down and then build again. Unfortunately my mama isn't too good at getting photos of these, but I made a couple of things this morning that I wanted to share!

This first one is a drawing I made for Eloise's birthday (mama's note: it's not Eloise's birthday). It is me and sissy and the heart is there because I love her.

I made this flag for Eloise's birthday, too. It is a necklace flag!


  1. Cute! I love how they plan ahead for major things like birthdays!
    Jen aka 2 in August

  2. Iris has a great sense of spatial relationships and an interesting grasp of color choices and the impact they make on they emotions of the viewer. This is one artist we should all keep our eye on!
